
Monday, March 31, 2008

A finished scarf — or, instant gratification

I've been working on my ripple afghan in fits and spurts, but occasionally I feel the need for a little instant gratification. So, when I was needing some a couple of weeks ago, I turned out this nifty little scarf. It is one of those great one-skein patterns. I used Berroco comfort for this one.

It is a nice brownish pink, so I can get away with wearing it. Generally pink is not a great color for me. I love working with the yarn and it comes in a zillion colors.

The pattern is from the March/April issue of Crochet Today. When I first saw the pattern I wasn't enthralled (maybe because the one in the magazine was really pink), but the more I looked at it the more I liked the ruffled along the edges. So, I went to the yarn store (well, I didn't actually have to make a special trip, I was there for something already I am sure) and got the yarn. The pattern was easy and I was able to kick this puppy out in about 2-3 hours. Fun stuff!

So, now, I'm making flowers from random patterns that I find free online, or from patterns I have, or from Tamara's brain. I'm ready to try some embellishing, and I am learning to better work with threads. I think I will limit myself to nothing smaller than a size 10. I think I would need a magnifying glass otherwise!

1 comment:

Chauntel said...

That is so pretty and the color is amazing! I really love reds & pinks right now. I guess we are ready for spring colors!